Web Development

Count on us to jump start your company by designing your website and positioning it to receive maximum visibility to attract new or potential clients.

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Desktop Development

Our team is ready to design any type of desktop application on any platform.


We can design your database and go live independent of your software.

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Server Administration

If you would prefer to use your own server, our team is equipped to remotely assist with maintenance and administration.

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If you are not sure how to best design your data in a way that works for you- our team is able to study the existing data and design procedures and functions with your needs in mind.

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Our team can help you find the root cause for which data access is slow.

Business Inteligence

The key benefit with working with MTI is that our team has a vast experience in collecting, manipulating, and presenting data which helps reduce cost, time spent interpreting data, and maximizing the usefulness of the information without unnecessarily cluttering the user or the user's system interface.

In addition, as a client you would have at your disposal all our technological infrastructure, which gives you an edge over your competitors.

Our main goal is to collect the largest amount of information from our clients, regardless of the source or format. Our experienced technical team has worked with files ranging from small text files to large data files extracted from pre-existing databases.

The data extracted is clearly defined with the client during the development phases to fully address the needs of the organization. Based on the organization needs, reports may be generated and viewed via a variety of different platforms.

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Custom software

Because off-the-shelf software generally addresses a lot of your needs, but you cannot modify its functionality, or in many cases, you cannot communicate it with another solution. This makes it hard to add new features to cover your critical requirements.

With an off-the-shelf software, your business is running to the mercy of the software vendor. Suppose your software vendor decides to cease maintaining the application. In this case you need to find a new software vendor, migrate your data, and train your staff in the new tool.

Our team will gather all the necessary information to create a plan of requirements and priorities with your staff, elaborate a design of your application, estimate the time necessary for the development, and create a strategy for its deployment.

Your staff will be involved in every phase, reducing the training time, reducing issues, and improving solutions.

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Health Provider

Our team has developed a variety of custom designed projects for health providers nationwide and globally. These projects include components like:

Case Management Services
Barcoding Technology
Electronic Medical Records
Electronic Health Records
Video Conferencing
Storage and protection of documents in electronic format
Credentialing and Vendor Management
Claims processing
HEDIS Dashboard

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Contact us
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